Thursday 18 June 2009

Bert and the Kid 18/6/09

I have a resident male Blackbird called Bert. He has been coming to feed for the last three years and is a very regular visitor during the winter months. He always disappear around May/June when I assume he has found a mate and playing happy families. Mrs B comes to visit as well but any other Blackbird is not welcome in the garden. Bert has been AWOL since early May, coming to visit very, very occasionally and not staying long. This year for the first time evey he brought one of his fledgling. I was just opening the blinds this morning when I saw Bert and further up the grass, I thought was Mrs B. I only had a very quick glimpse. This bird run to Bert and was promptly fed, a young Blackbird, a first for me. Am I excited or what?


Linda Yarrow said...
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swatson said...

brilliant Jake that little one is smashing x

Jayne said...

Isn't it just amazing how we can get so excited by these little happenings, our DD expressed how she thought her Dad & I were quite sad to get so worked up by the presence of two male bullfinches this morning, what was she doing wjilst we were being "sad" - playing Solitaire on the computer LOL

karen said...

Great pics jake, its really exciting when your regulars bring their little ones! x