Wednesday 17 June 2009

Miserable Day

The weather today in D&G has been terrible. Its been wet and very windy until late afternoon, when the rain stopped and the sun came out. Throughout the day there has been a steady stream of visitors to the feeding stations. Starlings, House Sparrows and Chaffinches on the front station. A Jackdaw also made an appearance at one stage. House Sparrows, Great and Blue Tit on the back feeding station. When the weather was at its worse the Goldfinch above came for a feed. It looks soaked through and miserable. It has a good feed for about 10 minutes and then flew off. First Goldfinch that has been for several weeks now, pleasure to see again.


Jayne said...

One very wet Goldie there Jake, can't be too miserable mind because he's filling his face LOL

swatson said...

pleased your goldies are back Jake,lovely shots