Sunday 14 June 2009


Just the other week I was sitting at the Laptop browsing the net and logged on to the GBS Forum. Don't ask me why but for some reason my attention was drawn to the front living room window. I have a pair of Collared Doves that visit my garden very regularly, usually on a daily basis and sometimes more freqjuent. The Laptop is someway away from the front window and the bird table is visible without needing to change position. Initially my eyes were drawn to the bird table on which a Collared Dove was feeding. I caught a movement and there it was, a Collared Dove on the window sill looking in. I had time to stand up, get the camera and take this photograph. The Dove must have seen my movements but didn't move, it stayed there and continued looking through the window, Cheeky Devil.


Jayne said...

That Dove's face looks so sweet whilst he his checking you oout Jake!! - LOL

Linda Yarrow said...

Hi Jake, he might be looking at his or her reflection in the window, thinking to itself what a pretty bird I am:-)

karen said...

Superb pic Jake! Love it! Was he/she asking for food? one of my blackies did something similar the other day! They really are cheeky! x

swatson said...

brilliant Jake,especially as those I have seen shoot off as soon as I move.Must be used to you now.