Saturday 15 August 2009

Black-headed Gull

I've never been that great at taking moving photographs particular with the longer lens (300mm) or if the subject is at a distance. They alway seemed to be slightly 'out of focus' and not as sharp as I would have liked. The first photograph is a good example of this. I got a couple of shots of this Black-headed Gull sitting on the water and then it took off so I kept 'clicking' away. Suddenly it dived to its right, into the water and I kept the camera on it. It wasn't until I got home and downloaded the images that I saw the result in the second photograph. I was amazed at the clarity and sharpness. Think it proved for every great photograph there are probably dozens that are bad and deleted. I'll just have to keep snapping away and do a lot of editing.

1 comment:

swatson said...

Brilliant Jake,I hope others that look at blogs realise you dont see the true beauty of the photographs unless you click to enlarge.Well done.